German grafitti- and street-artist boris hoppek ischallenging every surface: taking his strong charactersnot only onto walls, but also on various materials from allkinds of backdrops (furniture, papers, blinds, advertisingposters ...) to huge sculptures he builds from used cardboard boxes. All running along some very radical themes:violence, sexual abuse, racism, oppression, misogyny.
The variety of his work is unlimited; hoppek draws quicklywith a reduced line, using selected colors only,thus creating his own character universe and using avery specific, often drastic visual language.
The pictures below are from his exhibition at the Igua Pop gallery in Barcelona, home of teh majority of new skool urban artists:  
 Boris Hoppek can be found here and more of his work here . Labels: Art, Boris Hoppek, Creative, Graffiti, Grime, Trends, Urban Art |