6 days to go till the best week of my life ... again. Every year it gets better and better, and truth be told the Boom team have promised even more this year. There are a few notable developments that I think you should know. Firstly, the car park has moved! Thankfully last Boom I was not part of the 20 hour long cue to get into the festival. We were staying on the otherside of the lake and so got to the gates fairly early and only cued for a minor 4 hours or so. Anymore and it would have been a little tedious. This year though, they have a different set up, which means Boomers can park further away from the festival, around the lake, and then get a ferry over to the festival. This will hopefully prevent the vicious cues that occured last Boom. The next development, that I'm looking forward to a lot, is the official opening up of Groovy Beach. It was introduced last Boom, but this year, it has expanded and has an official line-up and everything. Boomers should look forward to a selection of Breaks, Playful House, and Dub Step. The Line - Up has got a couple of big game dubstep players in the form of Scuba and Boxcutter, that are sure to bless the beach. I imagine they would never had been to Boom before, so I welcome them... I'm sure it will make an impression. Other developments. The loos are all going to be compost based, and 200 of them, cleaned regularly. Ones for unrine and ones for solids. One thing that always amazes me about Boom is the state of the loos. They are always clean. A breath of fresh air really, literally, compared to the pains of Glastonbury (apparently someone fell in this year).  If you read this please leave a comment. I want to know your thoughts. Labels: Boom Festival, Boxcutter, Dub Step, festivals, music, psy trance |
I'm looking forward to Boom also, especially the Liminal Village. There is a great exhibition of Visionary Artwork, workshops and presentations. http://leoplaw.com/2008/08/05/visionary-art-culture-creators/